Our Vision


Reach the next generation.

We feel that it is vital to reach out to the families in our surrounding community. We believe that reaching the children is a vital part of that. We know that the children are the future generation of the church, yet so many of them have not had the opportunity to be introduced to Jesus. This generation of children are facing so many struggles in this world that we live in today, and they are so often left feeling like they have no hope.


be the hands and feet of Jesus.

We must be the hands and feet of Jesus that can reach out with His love to this lost generation, to show them that there is hope and His name is Jesus. Jesus commands us in Matthew 28:18-20 to be a part of the Great Commission.


be united & reach the lost.

As a united body of believers at BCC we are passionate about bringing that message of hope to the younger generation, and their families. Our mission is to introduce them to that man named Jesus. We believe that it is through the younger generation that God is going to bring revival.


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